Evento online da ACS: Virtual Meetings on Organic Synthesis and Catalysis Universidade Federal do Maranhão - UFMA
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Evento online da ACS: Virtual Meetings on Organic Synthesis and Catalysis

Publicado em: 11/11/2020

A American Chemical Society (ACS) - por meio da sua Divisão de Publicações e do seu International Chapter no Brasil, e a Sociedade Brasileira de Química - por meio da sua Divisão de Química Orgânica, promoverão o evento “Virtual Meetings on Organic Synthesis and Catalysis”. As reuniões ocorrerão semanalmente, no período de 10 de Novembro a 15 de Dezembro de 2020, sempre às 16h00 (horário de Brasília).

Data da Segunda reunião “ACS-SBQ Virtual Meetings on Organic Synthesis and Catalysis”: 

17 de Novembro de 2020
Horário: das 16h00 às 17h30 (horário de Brasília)

Link para inscrições*


*Obs.: Se você já se inscreveu para o primeiro evento, ocorrido em 10/11, não é necessário se inscrever novamente, pois o link é o mesmo.  
Palestrantes e resumos das apresentações:
Dr. Josep Cornellà (Short talk)
Title: Reagent, Ligand and Catalyst Design: A Three-fold Approach to Reaction Discovery.
Abstract: The main goal of our research group is to provide efficient, robust and sustainable methodologies for organic synthesis. To this end, our group has established a three-fold approach based on 1) the development of new organic reagents that enable practical and facile organic chemistry by streamlining synthetic routes; 2) the design of ligands that enable the development of air-sensitive transition metal complexes with remarkable stability toward oxidation and temperature, thus broadening the applicability of methodologies restricted to the use of Schlenk or gloveboxes; 3) the design of p-block elements, in particular bismuth (Bi), that enable catalytic redox transformations akin to transition metals. We believe that this 3-fold approach is key to unlock new reactivity while allowing the discovery of fundamentally novel and unknown areas in chemistry.
Prof. Phil Baran (Long talk)
Title: Simplicity and Ideality in Synthesis
Abstract: Organic synthesis is one of the great branches of Chemistry that has had a profound impact on the betterment and advancement of civilization.  In its most modern manifestations, it renders the dream of alchemy (turning something worthless into something valuable) a reality. It places the practitioner into the role of artist, engineer, and astronaut. Thus, advances in this field are inherently of interest to a broad audience. Predicting the specific developments that will alter the course of this field is difficult.
Dúvidas e informações, por favor, entre em contato através dos e-mails: mgrassi@acs-i.org e rbracchi@acs-i.org 


Lugar: São Luís
Fonte: Diretoria Integrada de Bibliotecas (DIB)
Última alteração em: 11/11/2020 18:32

Fim do conteúdo da sessão