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    The journal Cadernos de Pesquisa - RCP is a publication of the Pro-Rectory of Research and Post-Graduation (PPPG) of UFMA, created in 1985, with the objective of disseminating researches carried out by professors and students of Graduate Programs of this Institution and of other HEIs in the country. However, due to some mishaps, the publication of the journal was interrupted from January 2005 to December 2008. And from January 2009, the RCP was restarted with a new Editorial Board, thus establishing a new political-philosophical profile of the publications. From then on, the magazine updated the Internal Rules and Publication Rules, aiming at the dissemination of scientific, unpublished and multidisciplinary works, as well as information deemed relevant, in order to enable scientific and institutional exchange.

    The first edition of the journal was in the management of the Rector José Maria Cabral Marques, with Prof. Jerônimo Pinheiro as Professor of Research and Post-Graduation, and Professor Myrthes Barbosa Frota Pinheiro as General Coordinator of Postgraduate and Research. The magazine was prepared by the Research Information Division, composed of the servers Maria das Graças Pereira Jansen de Mello and Roza Maria dos Santos, with the support of the Research Subcommittee.

    In 2009, when the journal was restarted, under the coordination of Professor Cláudio Zannoni, in the management of the Rector Natalino Salgado Filho and the Pro Rector of Research and Post-Graduation, Professor Fernando Carvalho Silva, having as Director of the Department of Graduate Professor Tereza Cristina Rodrigues dos Santos Franco, as Director of the Research Department Professor Gilza Maria Piedade Prazeres and as Director of the Division of Disclosure and Follow-up of Projects, Mr. Francisco Silva Santos.

    In May 2010, by decision of the Editorial Committee, RCP became part of the Electronic Periodicals database of UFMA and, until 2012, was reproduced in printed and electronic format, publishing scientific, unpublished and multidisciplinary works from any area of knowledge. From 2012 to 2013, the teacher Mônica Teresa Costa Sousa had an important performance and commitment as editor of the magazine.

    Currently, the magazine is the only one in the North and Northeast with any A1, in the area of Education and, before this new phase, the Editorial Committee of the magazine decided to keep it only in electronic format (ISSN: 2178-2229), making available the works in the Portal of Periodicals of UFMA.


    In this new phase, CPR continues to be used for the publication of scientific papers, unpublished multi / interdisciplinary, as long as they are directed to the area of Education, aiming at enabling scientific and institutional exchange.

    The RCP has Editorial Committee, Editorial Board and Body of Pareceristas formed by researchers and national researchers, of all the regions of Brazil. The magazine also has a body of international commentators from Mexico, Portugal, Italy, Spain and the United States, from different institutions and highly qualified.



     Prof. Drª Iran of Maria Leitão Nunes (Scientific Editora)

     Prof. Dr. Alexandre César Muniz de Oliveira (DPq)

     Prof. Dr. Alexandre Guida Navarro (CCH)

     Prof. Dr. Cicero Wellington Brito Bezerra (CCET)

     Prof. Dr. Clenilton Costa dos Santos (PIBIC)

     Prof. Dr. Lívio Martins Costa Júnior (CAAC)

     Prof. Dr. Lucyléa Gonçalvez França (CCSo)

     Prof. Dr. Maria da Glória Almeida Bandeira (DAPI)

     Prof. Dr. Maria do Desterro Soares Brandão Nascimento (CCBS).






    Prof. Dr. Alejandro Pedro Ayala (Federal University of Ceará)

    Prof. Dr. Alfredo López Austin (National Autonomous University of Mexico)

    Prof. Dr. Ana Maria Jacó-Vilela (University of the State of Rio de Janeiro)

    Prof. Dr. André Leclerc (Federal University of Ceará)

    Prof. Dr. Anna Casella Paltrinieri (Universitat Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano)

    Prof. Dr. Antonio Gouveia de Souza (Federal University of Paraíba)

    Prof. Dr. Antonio Paulo de Morais Rezende (Federal University of Pernambuco)

    Prof. Dr. Clarice Maria Rispoli Botta (Foundation for the Increase of Research and Industrial Improvement)

    Prof. Dr. Edson Hely Silva (Federal University of Pernambuco)

    Prof. Dr. Eduardo José Marândola Júnior (State University of Campinas)

    Prof. Dr. Eliseo Lopez Cortes (University of Guadalajara)

    Prof. Dr. Euripedes Antônio Funes (Federal University of Ceará)


    Prof. Dr. Giovanni da Silva de Queiroz (Federal University of Paraíba)

    Prof. Dr. Ida Maria Santos Ferreira Alves (Fluminense Federal University)

    Prof. Dr. Ilde Guedes da Silva (Federal University of Ceará)

    Prof. Dr. Izabel Missagia de Mattos (Federal University of Goiás)

    Prof. Dr. João Lima Sant'Anna Neto (Paulista State University)

    Prof. Dr. José Lourenço Pereira da Silva (Federal University of Santa Maria)

    Prof. Dr. Joseph P. Zompetti (Illinois State University)

    Prof. Dr. José Walkimar de Mesquita Carneiro (Fluminense Federal University)

    Prof. Lygia Maria Friche Passos (Federal University of Minas Gerais)

    Prof. Dr. Maria da Conceição Pereira Ramos (University of Porto)

    Prof. Dr. Maria Elvira Brito Campos (Federal University of Piauí)

    Prof. Dr. Maria Natália Pereira Ramos (Open University)

    Prof. Dr. Matthias Röhrig Asunción (University of Essex)

    Prof. Dr. Mauro Cezar Coelho (Federal University of Pará)

    Prof. Dr. Peter Schroeder (Federal University of Pernambuco)

    Prof. Dr. Renata Maria Facuri Coelho Marchezan (Universidade Estadual Paulista)

    Prof. Dr. Renato Monteiro Athias (Federal University of Pernambuco)

    Prof. Dr. Suely Moraes Ceravolo (Federal University of Bahia)

    Prof. Dr. Tânia Mara Pizzolato (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)

    Prof. Dr. Valentín Martínez-Otero Pérez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)



    Prof. Ms. Heridan Guterres Pavão (Federal University of Maranhão)

    Prof. Maria Francisca da Silva (Federal University of Maranhão)

    Profª Ms. Marília Cerveira (Federal University of Maranhão)

    Prof. Dr. Veraluce Lima dos Santos (Federal University of Maranhão)



    Prof. Ms. Thiago Pereira Lima (Federal University of Maranhão)

    Profª Ms. Sílvia Cristina Duailibe Costa (Federal University of Maranhão)





    Prof. Rayron Lennon Sousa (Federal University of Maranhão)

    Profª Ms. Marta Maria Portugal Ribeiro Parada (Federal University of Maranhão)





    Josecleide Sampaio da Rocha (Federal University of Maranhão)

    Tatiana Cotrim Serra Freire (Federal University of Maranhão)



    Anissa Ayala Rocha da Silva Cavalcante (Federal University of Maranhão)



    Amaury Araujo Santos (Federal University of Maranhão)



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